Cole's Haunting Melody (The Gods' Executioner Series) Read online

Page 14

  I follow after her, despite every nerve in my body screaming at me not to; the black guy in the movie theater of the slightly racist part of my mind screaming “No bitch, don’t go in there! He gonna kill you!” My helmet even engages involuntarily while Cheza wraps her hand in mine and follows me. Yui’s aura is about fifteen feet in front of me, which is the only thing of hers that I can see with the combination of twilight and fog. We continue through the park until I see multiple fog lights set up, acting as a perimeter.

  At the center of the fog lights is the body of a kitsune with four tails, and this one is male; oh, and he also has about ten bullet holes in him, which I determine is the cause of death because I’m obviously Sherlock Holmes in this investigation. There are roughly a dozen people doing various things around the body, and Yui is chatting with a woman with long black hair that reaches her lower back; the woman has her arms folded underneath her sizable breasts and looks none too happy about our intrusion. I hear them speaking Japanese for only a second before my helmet starts translating.

  “Okay, just tell him to be careful with the crime scene and to be back here before the sunset.” The woman says to Yui.

  “Did you catch that?” Yui asks.

  “Si.” I reply.

  “What?” Yui asks, perplexed.

  “Yes, I did. Be back before sunset and don’t fuck anything up; got it. I’ll take a look around and let you know if I find anything. Can you ask the detective for some rubber gloves and evidence bags?” I ask and Yui relays my request. The detective’s long black hair reaches into her pocket and removes a pair of gloves while her arms stay folded.

  “You’re not designated to catalogue evidence; just tell someone if you find something.” The detective says with some disdain as her hair dangles the gloves in front of me.

  “She’s a harionago: a yokai, or supernatural creature, that can control her hair.” Yui informs me in response to my stunned gaze at the detective.

  “Yes, ma’am.” I reply and take the gloves, being careful of the barbs on the ends of each strand of her hair.

  I bend down and examine the body. Within about thirty seconds, I notice something unusual: with the exception of the money shot, the other nine wounds are all grazing shots. None of the shots, besides the one to his skull, would have really slowed him down; this means that he was either gunned down in a lucky spray of bullets, or something slowed him down. I turn the victim’s head to the side and see that the headshot has penetrated through his skull and has sunken into the pavement. That eliminates the ‘lucky spray of bullets’ theory, meaning…

  “Hey Yui, are kitsune resistant to poison?” I inquire.

  “Not particularly. Why?” Yui replies.

  I respond by sticking a gloved pinkie into one of the bullet entry wounds in the victim’s leg while the detective yells at me.

  “What in the hell do you think you’re doing!?” the detective angrily asks with the ends of her hair sticking up and pointing towards me.

  “Yui, please tell the detective that this is necessary and that there are still nine holes that I haven’t fucked with so she can test those.” I request.

  Yui relays my message while I stick my pinkie in as far as physically possible. Once it hits something, I wiggle it around before removing it, opening the lower portion of my helmet, and sticking my bloodied finger in my mouth.

  “Cole, what are you doing?” Yui asks.

  “Testing the blood for poison.” I reply.

  (Your hypothesis seems accurate, Master. The compound present is the same compound that poisoned you: chlorotoxin and Datura seed extract)

  “Have any casings been found?” I ask and Yui translates.

  “No, there haven’t been any.” The detective snidely replies.

  “I’m going to go take a look around.” I announce.

  With that, I walk away from the crime scene. I start taking a look around for anything out of the ordinary while searching for casings, which is damn near impossible with this fog.

  “Hey, now that we’re alone, I need to talk to you.” Cheza thinks while catching up to me.

  “About what?” I ask.

  “About Natasha. What happened to you two on the mission? She’s been acting strangely since she woke up.” Cheza replies.

  “Nothing that stands out; I took out a Predator drone, injuring myself in the process, and Natasha fought off around fifteen Templars.” I recant.

  “Nothing else?” Cheza asks.

  “Nothing. Oh, I guess I called her Tasha for the first time and she asked me to keep calling her that, but that’s it.” I reply.

  “What!?” Cheza exclaims, feeling alarmed for some reason.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Why did you suddenly start calling her Tasha!?” Cheza questions.

  “Because I was being shot at by a sniper and Natasha is an extra syllable’s worth of time that the sniper would have to shoot me again.” I explain.

  “Oh… I thought you might’ve been in love with her…” Cheza quietly replies.

  “What? Natasha and I are just friends, Cheza! What gave you the impression that I saw her as anything else?” I inquire.

  “Well, you did go on a killing spree when you thought she was dying…” Cheza softly thinks, insecurity flowing out of her in droves.

  “Cheza, come on; you know me better than that! I’d go on a killing spree for like, no reason! Hurt my friend? Killing spree. Interrupt my dinner with gunfire? Killing spree. Need to burn calories after a cup of gelato? Killing spree. Can’t put Ikea furniture together? Killing spree.” I list.

  “Alright, I get it.” Cheza interrupts, cutting my listing short.

  “Besides, did you forget what happened when I thought you were dead three weeks ago? I tried to put a bullet in my brain less than a minute after I killed the Ifrit King.” I expound.

  “Yeah… Cole, have you ever wondered why Natasha still wears your engagement ring on that chain around her neck?” Cheza asks.

  “Well she was obviously mourning the death of the only fiancé she’s had that she didn’t despise.” I reply.

  “No, Cole… Natasha is in lo—”

  “SILENCE!” I loudly interrupt.

  “Do not finish that sentence… just don’t.” I quietly tell her.

  “Why?” Cheza asks.

  “Because… if you say it, I’ll have to acknowledge it… and if I acknowledge it, I’ll have to do something about it… and if I do something about it, I’ll irrevocably change or end my friendship with her and I only have six of those to begin with… friends, that is.” I explain.

  “This isn’t something you can just sweep under the rug and hope it goes away.” Cheza gently tells me.

  “I know… I just… I need some time alone. Head back to the crime scene, please.” I quietly request and walk in the opposite direction; Cheza respects my wishes and makes her way towards the crime scene.

  (Cheza is not mistaken, Master)

  “I know, Airi… I’ve known since that night in Natasha’s penthouse.”

  I walk into a break in the fog as I notice the setting sun, and see something interesting: a young girl with silver hair, silver ears sticking out of her head, and a bushy silver tail. No, Cole; Addie can’t be here… can she? The girl walks around a corner and I follow after her. Rearing the corner, I see her stopped about fifteen feet ahead; I approach slowly and get within five feet, but the illusion still hasn’t disappeared.

  “Addie?” I say as I reach out and set my hand on her shoulder—her solid shoulder.

  “Addie!” I joyfully exclaim as she turns around and I discover that she has no face; her head is completely devoid of a mouth, nose, or eyes. I feel a few tears slip down my cheeks as I fall to my knees.

  “Haha poor mortal! Do you truly miss her that much?” the creature asks in a way that is unfathomable to me because of the lack of a mouth, as it transforms to a height of about five feet and loses its hair.

  “Then allow me to reunite
you both!” the creature exclaims while pulling a knife from behind its back and tries to stab me in the chest.

  The creature is perplexed by the lack of stab-icity as it tries sticking me with the knife several more times. I look at its efforts as annoyance and anger take over; I tackle the creature to the ground as my helmet disengages.

  “I’VE! BEEN TRYING! TO GET OVER! THE DEATH! OF MY DAUGHTER! YOU FUCKING! ASSHOLE! YOU JUST! HAD TO! BRING HER! UP!” I shout, punching it in the face with each exclamation. The creature weakly reaches up and stabs at my neck, clipping my jugular.

  “FUCK! YOUR! KNIFE!” I yell, really leaning into my punches as blood splatters onto my cheek.

  “COLE! STOP!” Cheza shouts and pulls me off of the creature.

  “It tricked me into seeing Addie and then laughed in my face about it!” I angrily expound, flailing my leg out and kicking it in the ribs as Cheza drags me back.

  “Did you ever stop to think that it might’ve seen something that will help the investigation!?” Cheza asks.

  “That’s actually a smart idea…” I admit.

  I grab the creature by the leg, and drag it back to the crime scene.

  “This thing might’ve seen something… it also might be dead… totally not my fault.” I report. The detective looks furious, but Yui just looks at me with pity.

  “Did this noppera-bo trick you into seeing your dead girlfriend, or your dead daughter?” Yui gently asks.

  “Daughter… How did it even know about her?” I solemnly reply.

  “Noppera-bo use illusion magic that makes them appear to be the one person that their victim wants to see most; it didn’t actually know her.” Yui replies. I shake my head clear of any lingering thoughts and focus on the matter at hand.

  “I was unable to find any casings, but I have determined that the kitsune was hit with chlorotoxin infused bullets. Those specialized bullets are the exact ones that I’ve witnessed Templars using. Since they were shot out of MP7A1 submachine guns before, if the bullets in this kitsune are 4.6 x 30mm rounds, then we’ll know for sure since that caliber is exclusive to the Heckler & Koch MP7. The noppera-bo may be able to tell us how this kitusne was killed exactly, but I’m almost positive that the Templars are the organization behind it. Now, it’s just a matter of locating the organization.” I report.

  “Were the men that attacked me in the park also Templars?” Yui asks.

  “Yeah, they were. I’m not too sure what to do now though because my analyst hasn’t been able to find anything on Templar activity in Japan.” I reply.

  “I’ll work through some connections and I’ll call you if anything turns up.” Yui says.

  “Alright, see you later, Yui.” I respond before grabbing Cheza’s hand and touching my Haglaz rune.

  “Cole, I think you should see a psychologist.” Cheza says as I walk into Jason’s bathroom to rinse off my face and arm.

  “I hardly think that’s necessary, Cheza.” I reply while drying my face off.

  “Cole, Addie’s death has drastically affected you and sometimes I feel like you might be losing your grip on reality.” Cheza gently explains.

  “Cheza, I understand that she’s dead and that it’s my fault. I’m not delusional about any part of it.” I clarify with a rational tone.

  “That’s exactly the kind of thing I’m talking about!” Cheza angrily exclaims as my phone starts ringing.

  “This is Cole.” I answer as Cheza leaves the room in a huff.

  “Mr. Treyfair, this is King Byron.” An oxford accent oozes over the speaker.

  “Ah, Byron, what can I do for you?” I ask.

  “We have a bachelor party to plan.” Byron reminds me.

  “Shit… I’m actually in the middle of an investigation right now. Is it possible for you to plan it without me? I’ve never so much as been to a bachelor party so I doubt that I’d be much help anyway.” I reply.

  “Of course; do you know how many will be coming?” Byron asks.

  “Only four, I think.” I reply.

  “Very well, I shall plan the bachelor party on my own then.” Byron states.

  “Thank you. Sorry for the inconvenience.” I respond.

  “Don’t fret over it. Goodbye.” Byron replies and hangs up.

  My vision suddenly blurs and the ground races toward my face. Small, chilly, arms catch me and halt the floor’s advances.

  “Doesn’t feel so great being on the receiving end of this little trick, now does it?” Cheza whispers as unconsciousness claims me.


  I awaken to find myself handcuffed to Jason’s bed with four fuzzy handcuffs on each arm.

  “I see that you are awake.” Sara says from the bedside; I see what’s going on.

  “I told Cheza that I don’t need therapy…” I grumble absentmindedly.

  “Cole, let’s just face it; your mildly bipolar at best and Addie’s death has greatly exacerbated things.” Sara states.

  “So I’m having hallucinations of my dead daughter… big whoop! It’s just part of my grieving process! Why does nobody understand that?” I explain.

  “Oh really… and what grieving process is this? Hallucinations are certainly not part of the standard five step grieving process.” Sara replies.

  “It’s the James Bond three step grieving process! Step one is revenge where you quell your rage in the blood of those responsible. Step two is hallucinations. Step three is guilt… and probably alcohol or something.” I inform her.

  “What about acceptance?” Sara asks.

  “What is there to accept, Sara…? WHAT IS THERE TO ACCEPT ABOUT ANY OF THIS!? She was three years old… only three… she had thousands of possible futures ahead of her, but she was dead in every one that involved me… I was just too blind to see it… I should’ve turned her over to Carla the moment I found her, but I didn’t… and why didn’t I do it? Because I had some warped notion of becoming her father? Because I thought I could keep her safe? Or was it because I needed some form of atonement, or redemption, or just an excuse to keep living…? Any way you slice it, all I really did was add to my body count… I’m done here.” I state and start to strain the handcuffs binding my left arm.

  “REI! NATASHA!” Sara shouts.

  Cheza and Natasha stride into the room wearing white nurse’s outfits that have red crosses on the caps. They walk over to me with smiles on their faces.

  “Hellooooooo Nurse!” I exclaim. 3

  They respond by zapping me with Tasers.

  “We’ll let you go when I say we’re done, Cole; not before then.” Sara explains.

  “What do you guys want from me!?” I demand.

  “We just want you to get better, Cole… we want you to forgive yourself… you’re destroying yourself, and it pains me to see you like this.” Natasha quietly says with tears in her eyes.

  “Tasha…” I softly respond.

  “You know you’re a cute little heartbreaker. Foxy. You know you’re a sweet little lover maker. Foxy.” My phone rings from the bedside table. 4

  “That’s Yui.” I announce.

  “Seriously?” Cheza asks as she picks up my phone. “Hey Yui, Cole can’t come to the phone right now; he’s a little… tied up at the moment.”

  “Okay, can you tell him that I was able to find some information on the Templars? A Tokyo Yakuza outfit has recently been equipped with the weapons that Cole said were used by the Templars.” I hear Yui say.

  Kill Bill-esque fantasies begin dancing through my head: epic katana battles with breakdance fighting causing severed limbs, blood, and screaming.

  “*Sigh* I’ll cut him free and we’ll meet you at the temple in a little while.” Cheza reluctantly replies and hangs up.

  “Don’t think that this is over, Cole.” Cheza sternly says as she unlocks the cuffs.

  “Come on, Cheza; don’t be like that! This will be fun!” I exclaim, looking forward to my impending sword battle with Japanese gangsters.


  Chapter 16:
Dream Crusher

  [November 7th]

  “Not one… Not a single one! There isn’t a single katana on any of them! Where is my epic swordfight!? This is bullshit!” I exclaim while looking through a pair of binoculars from a rooftop located half a mile away from the compound of the traditionally styled Japanese mansion.

  The curved tile roof has been modified with a walkway that has a dozen soldiers with MP7A1 submachine guns patrolling the perimeter of it. The covered wooden porch that borders the house has another dozen armed soldiers patrolling along it. There are another two dozen armed soldiers patrolling the walled perimeter and yard of the property. Guards occasionally come out of the Shoji doors on the side of the house to relieve the patrolling soldiers. One very noticeable thing stands out about all these soldiers: their red auras.

  “I’m going to go talk to them and see if I can’t ask them to bring in some swords to fight me with.” I say as I stand up on the rooftop.

  “You will do no such thing!” Cheza exclaims as she grabs my left hand and pulls me back down. “We finally found these guys, so you are going to wait until we can confirm that the leader is there before you go all rampage on their asses.”

  “Fine… I’m going to have to scan the leader’s memories, but it would be suicidal to remain at the house and do it. Any suggestions, Yui?” I ask.

  “Why not bring them back to this rooftop?” Yui suggests.

  “Yeah, I suppose that will work.” I reply.

  “Hey Cole, a car just pulled up and most of the soldiers have lined up in two rows leading to the house; I think the boss is finally back.” Natasha tells me while looking through the scope of her silenced M110 sniper rifle with a twenty round box magazine to my right. With her armored suit on, she isn’t too noticeable in the dead of night. I didn’t want to bring her along, but she wouldn’t take no for an answer and Cheza was on her side so I eventually caved.

  “Two men and a woman are getting out of the car and the men have positioned themselves on each side of the woman.” Natasha reports.

  “The woman is most likely the boss.” Yui comments.

  “One of the men has a sword, Cole.” Natasha says with a smirk.